Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Hey Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving with your loved ones! I enjoyed the day with family and friends and as always I was reminded of how thankful I am for this life. I recently started writing down 10 things I am thankful for each day. It has really helped me to remember that we should celebrate our blessings every single day.

Life is not always easy, but there is always light in the darkness. By writing down what I am thankful for each day it is a little easier to remember that. The reason I am writing this is because there was a time when I didn’t think there was any light in this life. I didn’t understand why or how it was possible to feel that way or why some situations made me feel so sad and vulnerable.

I never knew how much of an impact my childhood trauma would have on me later in life. Recently, a new CDC report (the first ever analysis on this issue by the CDC) warned people about the effects of childhood trauma. Nearly one in six people in the US have experienced at least four types of childhood trauma (1 in 4 girls and 1 in 5 boys are victims of child sexual abuse), which can put them at risk of things like depression and heart disease. Reading this made me realize that so much of my life is how it is because of what I have been through. The article released also states that nurturing relationships can help these effects. It urged states, families, and all people to prevent childhood trauma. My mission in life is to do just that.

I am so lucky to have a nurturing family and friends that love and support me so immensely. It was and is still hard for me to overcome the pain that I have felt for so long, but without them and their nurturing, I never would have grown up to be a strong, confident woman. I am so grateful for these people and the life they have helped me to build.

This report is so important. I read about it and I thought, “finally!”. I am so glad that we are shining a light on an issue that is so near and dear to my heart. I plan to continue to push for this issue to be a part of every school’s curriculum and to get parents and people talking about child sexual abuse and other types of childhood trauma. We need to protect and help our most innocent.

I want everyone to know, I am here to be a listening ear and to help however I can.

~ Katie

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